The Sheep and Wool
Here at Longmeadow Farm our sheep and lambs are pretty much the main focus. Raised mainly for wool. They are mixed bred, prominently Romney, some Romedale. Bits of Border Leicester and Cotswold several generations back, and new this lambing season Blue faced Leicester. Our 2020 lambs are 50% Blue Faced Leicester. The ultimate goal has been an exceptional spinning fleece that is soft, lustrous, long stapled with a very uniform crimp through out. Our lambs carry the cross bred vigor and do very well.
The sheep are allow to roam the chemical free rolling hills of our pasture lands. Protected from predators by high tensile woven wire fences. In the later months as second cuttings of hay are harvested for winter feed, they are rotationally grazed on the third years growth of grasses and legumes. Electronet fences are used for rotational grazing until late fall. Grain supplementation is used in late gestation and lactation, or when nutritionally it is required. They are de-wormed for internal and external parasites, vaccinated or rarely medicated as needed.
We have several lambs for sale this 2020 season ~ Colored and white
A few mature ewes ~ Colored and white
One yearling registered BFL ram is available ~ white
We hope to have a couple lambs for sale at Indie Dyers Spectrum in September of 2022.